Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuesday evening


Well it's 7:10 pm. Brian & Paul left to see Leenie (& bring her her favorite chocolate shake from the DQ near the hospital) @ around 5 pm. They said they would call if there were any significant medical info. They have not.

Leenie, as is her wont these days, will be overjoyed to see them, exhaust herself chatting and then want to read. And read. And read (you get the picture) The sun room at our house is now her library, supported on the large table by old cannon bookends (as in, "touch these books and feel some gun powder). She also loves to watch movies (an adjacent library) and lose herself in "the other".
Now her brother Philip is really a more interesting story (while we're on literature) , of the not-quite-superhero variety. He worked days yesterday & called around 5 from the Norfolk airport. (I only got his message as we were a tad busy w/ Leenie @ the time) Seems his cell phone wasn't working; he would be leaving for Miniapolis for a deposition shortly and getting in too late to call with his hotel info & phone contact for Tuesday am; he 's to return home this evening around "dinner time". As I said at the opening of this tripe, it is 7:10 pm. Sooo, our dear and glorious physician has no idea that Leenie went in to the hospital yesterday; apparently has difficulty locating/using public/hotel phones and will be missing "dinner time" @ Linbay (and I worked so hard to make it special). I thought we'd go together to see Leenie but it appears the hour will be past several bed times.
We can rest easy knowing Leenie is in good company w/ yummy DQ and nothing urgent to report. As for me, here we go with photo aggravation. . .
Obviously, important updates will take precedence - anyone heard from PGJr? - I'll conclude that saga "of human bandage" as it unfolds. . .)



Phillip got off @ 7 am - Bless Brian. We've been re-grouping, physically & mentally. Have not heard from Leenie but I'm sure they are keeping her busy & getting her on just the right mix of meds & oral food & liquids.

I know she needs some paperwork for the social worker who will be applying for her Medicare disability. This lady also has the Medicaid forms for Ohio. Paul has just arrived so we will see if Leenie wants to deal with this today and, if so, bring the data.

It will be good to have 2 cars so that everyone can set their own schedule and pace with Leenie's preferences.

Last night I tried to send some good photos & failed miserably. I'm trying (very) again. . .


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Leenie Sunday

If only Eileen felt as strongly as Emma about pasta, we'd be ahead ofour game. So far today, I've only managed to coax her to drink 16 ozs. of vitamin water. I'm afraid Nurse Ratchet will have to pay a visit. She must move around or let me pat her back to get the lung secretions moving out. And, like it or not, she will eat some pasta salad. I know Declan and Molly wouldn't take hers.
Perhaps some phone calls will get her going. So far it's been a big nap day following a restful night.
Will let you know how things went @ bed time.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hoping you get the news. . .

Today was a benchmark day. Last evening, Dr. Cross, Mom's oncologist, called to say that although the gastroenterologist was willing to do a procedure to get a much larger biopsy from the metastatic nodes in the mediastinum (area between the lun gs), he could not do it until Jan. 9 which was u nacceptably too long a wait.
We need a large biopsy now so that Dr. Cross will be able to start chemo w/ the correct agent - hopefully by Monday.
He called this afternoon. (Mom was sleeping b/c we has1) gone to the salon for a haircut, 2)gone shopping @ Talbot's & Joseph Bank. That was A LOT for her but she was having so much fun it was worth her l
He ong nap afterwards.
The scoop from Dr. Cross:
He's arranged for a surgeon to do the biopsy - a bit invasive but necessary - either late Tuesday night w/ discharge in the am OR early Wednesday am with discharge in afternoon.
So, Mom will have general anesthesia; Dr. will check our all of her lung passagves to be sure there is no blockage causing her cough; get a nice, complete node (no needle aspirations or lg. cuttings. Cross wants an entire mass so he can identify with certainty the primary source & select with certainty the exact chemo agent to use to kill it.
He does not think she will be susceptible to any hair loss but her immune system will be compromised so we must be very careful re: visitors w/ flu, sniffles, coughs, etc.
Lastly, the surgeon will put a "Mediport" in place. Thise is a semi-permanent, large bore IV catheter which will be stitched in place & used for the chemo treatments and clamped off when not in use.
The discomfort factor is de minimus and Dr. Cross' plan is excellent re: getting started with the big gun s. The radiology totally wiped out the grapefruit on her shoulder (Henry) but there will be a lump for a while until the remaining dead tissue is re-absorbed by the body.
So that's the plan for now. Dr. Cross is always a pager away and he, like all of us, is praying that the procedure can be done late Tuesday night so Mom can be comfortable and rested and excited enough about PROGRESS that she will eat, drink & be merry with the Fam & the newly born savior. Hope you get this mmissive,
God Bless,

Posting test from lorane-mom'sprogress

Have NO idea whether this will reach the intended folks - followers & contributors of http://eileenleavyhuber.blogspot.com. So this is a test.